The kOS CPU hardware¶
While it’s possible to write some software without knowing anything about the underlying computer hardware, and there are good design principles that state one should never make assumptions about the computer hardware when writing software, there are still some basic things about how computers work in general that a good programmer needs to be aware of to write good code. Along those lines, the KSP player writing a Kerboscript program needs to know a few basic things about how the simulated kOS CPU operates in order to be able to write more advanced scripts. This page contains that type of information.
Update Ticks and Physics Ticks¶
New in version 0.17: Previous versions of kOS used to execute program code during the Update phase, rather than the more correct Physics Update phase.
Kerbal Space Program simulates the universe by running the universe in small incremental time intervals that for the purpose of this document, we will call “physics ticks”. The exact length of time for a physics tick varies as the program runs. One physics tick might take 0.09 seconds while the next one might take 0.085 seconds. (The default setting for the rate of physics ticks is 25 ticks per second, just to give a ballpark figure, but you must not write any scripts that depend on this assumption because it’s a setting the user can change, and it can also vary a bit during play depending on system load. The setting is a target goal for the game to try to achieve, not a guarantee. If it’s a fast computer with a speedy animation frame rate, it will try to run physics ticks less often than it runs animation frame updates, to try to make the physics tick rate match this setting. On the other hand, If it’s a slow computer, it will try to sacrifice animation frame rate to archive this number (meaning physics get calculated faster than you can see the effects.)
When calculating physics formulas, you need to actually measure elapsed time in the TIME:SECONDS variable in your scripts.
The entire simulated universe is utterly frozen during the duration of a physics tick. For example, if one physics tick occurs at timestamp 10.51 seconds, and the next physics tick occurs 0.08 seconds later at timestamp 10.59 seconds, then during the entire intervening time, at timestamp 10.52 seconds, 10.53 seconds, and so on, nothing moves. The clock is frozen at 10.51 seconds, and the fuel isn’t being consumed, and the vessel is at the same position. On the next physics tick at 10.59 seconds, then all the numbers are updated. The full details of the physics ticks system are more complex than that, but that quick description is enough to describe what you need to know about how kOS’s CPU works.
There is another kind of time tick called an Update tick. It is similar to, but different from, a physics tick. Update ticks often occur a bit more often than physics ticks. Update ticks are exactly the same thing as your game’s Frame Rate. Each time your game renders another animation frame, it performs another Update tick. On a good gaming computer with fast speed and a good graphics card, It is typical to have about 2 or even 3 Update ticks happen within the time it takes to have one physics tick happen. On a slower computer, it is also possible to go the other way and have Update ticks happening less frequently than physics tics. Basically, look at your frame rate. Is it higher than 25 fps? If so, then your update ticks happen faster than your physics ticks, otherwise its the other way around.
Electric Drain¶
New in version 0.19.0: As of version 0.19.0, the electric charge drain varies depending on CPU % usage. Prior to version 0.19.0, the CPU load made no difference and the electric drain was constant regardless of utilization.
Real world CPUs often have low power modes, and sleep modes, and these are vital to long distance probes. In these modes the computer deliberately runs slowly in order to use less power, and then the program can tell it to speed up to normal speed again when it needs to wake up and do something.
In kOS, this concept is simplified by just draining electric charge by “micropayments” of charge per instruction executed.
To change this setting if you want to re-balance the system, see the page about kOSProcessor part config values.
The shorthand version is this: The more instructions per update
actually get executed, the more power is drained. This can be reduced
by either lowering CONFIG:IPU
or by making sure your main loop
has a WAIT
statement in it. (When encountering a WAIT
the remainder of the instructions for that update are not used and end
up not counting against electric charge).
The system always costs at least 1 instruction of electric charge per
update no matter what the CPU is doing, unless it’s powered down entirely,
because there’s always at least 1 instruction just to check if it’s time
to resume yet in a WAIT
. The electric cost is never entirely zero
as long as it’s turned on, but it can be very close to zero while it is
stuck on a wait.
If your program spins in a busy loop, never waiting, it can consume
quite a bit more power than it would if you explicitly throw in a
WAIT 0.001.
in the loop. Even if the wait is very small, the
mere fact that it yields the remaining instructions still allowed
that update can make a big difference.
New in version 0.19.3: Note that as of version 0.19.3 and up, the entire way that triggers are dealt with by the underlying kOS CPU has been redesigned. In previous versions it was not possible to have a trigger that lasts longer than one physics tick, leading to a lot of warnings in this section of the documentation. Many of those warnings are now moot, which caused a re-write of most of this section of the documentation.
Many of the warnings and cautions mentioned below can really be boiled down to this one phrase, which is a good idea to memorize:
Main-line code gets interrupted by triggers, but triggers don’t get interrupted by main-line code (or other triggers).
There are multiple things within kerboscript that run “in the background” always updating, while the main script continues on. The way these work is a bit like a real computer’s multithreading, but not quite. Collectively all of these things are called “triggers”.
Triggers are all of the following:
- LOCKS which are attached to flight controls (THROTTLE, STEERING, etc), but not other LOCKS.
- ON condition { some commands }.
- WHEN condition THEN { some commands }.
The way these work is that once per physics tick, all these
trigger routines get run, including those locks that are always
re-evaluated by the cooked steering, and the ON
and WHEN
triggers. (This isn’t quite true. The real answer is more
complex than that - see CPU Update Loop
elsewhere on this page).
Each of the steering locks behaves like a function that returns
a value, and is re-called to get the new value for this physics
tick. Each of the ON
and WHEN
triggers also behave
much like a function, with a body like this:
if (not conditional_expression)
return true. // premature quit. preserve and try again next time.
Triggers always execute at least as far as the Conditional Check¶
Even a trigger who’s condition isn’t true yet still needs to execute a few instructions into the trigger subroutine to discover that its condition isn’t true yet. The trigger still causes a subroutine call once per physics tick just to get far enough into the routine to reach the conditional expression check and discover that it’s not time to run the rest of the body yet, so it returns. An expensive to calculate conditional expression can really starve the system of instructions because it’s getting run every single physics tick. It’s good practice to try to keep your trigger’s conditional check short and fast to execute. If it consists of multiple clauses, try to take advantage of :ref:`short circuit boolean <short_circuit>` logic by putting the fastest part of the check first.
Wait in a Trigger¶
It is possible for kOS to allow a trigger that takes longer than one
physics tick to execute. It just means the rest of the program is
stuck until the trigger is done. Triggers can interrupt mainline code, but
mainline code can’t interrupt triggers. Thus using a WAIT
in a trigger,
while possible, may be a bad idea because it stops the entire rest of
the program, including all its triggers, from happening, unlike how waits
in mainline code work. Before considering doing this, remember that a
lock steering to ....
command and a lock throttle to....
are both effectively triggers too. If you wait in a trigger, you prevent
the cooked steering values from updating while that wait is happening.
Your ship will be stuck continuing to use whatever previous values they
had just before the trigger’s wait began, and they won’t be recalculated
until your trigger’s wait is over.
Short version: While WAIT
is possible from inside a trigger and it
won’t crash the script to use it, it’s probably not a good design choice
to use WAIT
inside a trigger. Triggers should be designed to execute
all the way through to the end in one pass, if possible.
This is a consequence of: Main-line code gets interrupted by triggers, but triggers don’t get interrupted by main-line code (or other triggers).
Advanced topic: why not threading?¶
If you don’t understand the terms used below, you can safely skip this part of the explanation. It’s here for the advanced users who already know how to program and might be thinking there’s a better way to do this.
Remember that triggers aren’t quite true multi-threading. If you make
a trigger WAIT UNTIL AG1.
, you’re making the entire program wait. If you make
the main-line code WAIT
, there is a mechanism to make triggers
fire off during that WAIT
because triggers can interrupt main line
code, and in fact that’s their intended purpose - to behave as interrupts.
But main line code can’t interrupt triggers. The only way to make them both ‘equal’ citizens and be capable of interrupting each other would be to implement a form of threading inside kOS. The program context that kOS keeps track of while the program is executing consists of a stack, an array of the program opcodes, stack records that point to dictionaries of variables (on the stack so they can deal with scoping), and a current instruction pointer. It’s completely plausible that kOS could wrap all that inside a single class, and then make one instance of it per thread, and get multi-threading that way. But there is reluctance to implement this because once the kOS system can do threading, the documentation explaining how to use kOS won’t be so beginner-friendly anymore. Allowing for threading opens up a whole new can of worms to explain, including atomic sections and how concurrently accessing the same variable can break everything if you’re not careful, etc.
Do Not Loop a Long Time in a Trigger Body!¶
For similar reasons to the explanation above about the WAIT
used inside triggers, it’s not really a good idea for a trigger to
have a long loop inside it that just keeps going and going.
The system does allow a trigger to take more than one physics tick to finish. There are cases where it is entirely legitimate to do so if the trigger’s body has too much work to do to get it all done in one update. However, all triggers should be designed to finish their tasks in finite time and return. What you should not do is design a trigger’s body to go into an infinite loop, or a long-lasting loop that you thought would run in the background while the rest of the program continues on.
This is because while you are in a trigger, ALL the other triggers aren’t being fired, and the main-line code isn’t being executed. A trigger that performs a long-running loop will starve the rest of the code in your kerboscript program from being allowed to ever run again.
This is a consequence of: Main-line code gets interrupted by triggers, but triggers don’t get interrupted by main-line code (or other triggers).
But I Want a Loop!!¶
If you want a trigger body that is meant to loop a long time, the only
workable way to do it is to design it to execute just once, but
then make it return true (or use the preserve
keyword, which is
basically the same thing) to keep the trigger around for the next
physics tick. Thus your trigger becomes a sort of “loop” that
executes one iteration per physics tick.
Any WAIT statement causes the kerboscript program to immediately stop executing the main program where it is, even if far fewer than Config:IPU
instructions have been executed in this physics tick. It will not continue the execution until at least the next physics tick, when it will check to see if the WAIT condition is satisfied and it’s time to wake up and continue.
Therefore ANY WAIT of any kind will guarantee that your program will allow at least one physics tick to have happened before continuing. If you attempt to:
WAIT 0.001.
But the duration of the next physics tick is actually 0.09 seconds, then you will actually end up waiting at least 0.09 seconds. It is impossible to wait a unit of time smaller than one physics tick. Using a very small unit of time in a WAIT statement is an effective way to force the CPU to allow a physics tick to occur before continuing to the next line of code. In fact, you can just tell it to wait “zero” seconds and it will still really wait the full length of a physics tick. For example:
Ends up being effectively the same thing as WAIT 0.01.
or WAIT 0.001.
or WAIT 0.000001.
. Since they all contain a
time less than a physics tick, they all “round up” to waiting a
full physics tick.
Similarly, if you just say:
Then even though the condition is immediately true, it will still wait one physics tick to discover this fact and continue.
CPU Update Loop¶
As of version 0.17.0, The kOS CPU runs every physics tick, not every update tick as it did before.
New in version 0.19.3: As of version 0.19.3, the behaviour of triggers was changed dramatically to enable triggers that last longer than one physics tick, thereby causing the section of documentation that follows to be completely re-written. If you were familiar with triggers before 0.19.3, you should read the next section carefully to be aware of what changed.
On each physics tick, each kOS CPU that’s fully present “near” enough to the player’s current ship to be fully loaded, including the current ship itself, wakes up and performs the following steps, in this order:
- For each TRIGGER (see below) that is currently enabled, manipulate the call stack to make it look as if the program had just made a subroutine call to the trigger right now, and the current execution is now set to the start of the trigger’s code. Remeber that from the point of view of the CPU, triggers appear to be subroutines it just unconditionally calls whether or not their trigger condition is true yet. The code to decide that it’s not really time yet for the trigger to fire is contained inside the trigger subroutine itself. The first thing the trigger routine does is return prematurely if its trigger condition hasn’t been met. If more than one such trigger is enabled and needs to be set up, then the calls to the triggers will end up looking like a list of nested subroutine calls on the stack had just begun, and the current instruction is the start of the innermost nested subroutine call.
- Any TRIGGER which has just been set up thusly is temporarily removed from the list of enabled triggers, so it will be ignored in step (1) above should the physics tick expire before the trigger’s code had its chance to go.
The cpu now goes on and executes the next
number of instructions, mostly not caring about whether those instructions are ordinary main-line code or instructions that are inside of a trigger. Step (1) above has caused each trigger to look like just a normal subroutine was called from main-line code. When the nested subroutines all finish, the call stack has “popped” all the way back to where the mainline code left off, and so it just continues on from there. Warning: Advanced sentence follows. You can ignore it if you don’t understand it: Because kOS is a pure stack computer with no temporary data held in “registers”, this technique works because all relevant data must be on the stack, and thus will get returned to its original state once the interrupting triggers are done with their work and the stack has fully popped back to where it started from. - While executing the instructions in Step(3) above, if any of those
instructions are a
command, the execution stops there for now and the full number ofConfig:IPU
instructions won’t be used this update. This is true BOTH of wait’s in main-line code and wait’s in trigger code. Although you can wait in a trigger, doing so also stops main line code until that trigger is done waiting. - One thing the CPU does keep track of while executing the instructions,
though, is whether or not it got all the way back to executing mainline
code again or not. It’s possible that it spent the entire
inside triggers and never got back to mainline code. If it has gotten back to mainline code and executed at least one mainline instruction, then it re-enables all the triggers that wished to be re-enabled because they executedpreserve.
or did areturn true
. (They were temporarily disabled up in Step(2) above.) If it has not gotten back to mainline code yet, then that means it’s about to finish a physics tick while still inside a trigger, and it shouldn’t allow more triggers to re-fire yet until the main-line code has had a chance to go again.
Note that the number of instructions being executed (CONFIG:IPU) are NOT lines of code or kerboscript statements, but rather the smaller instruction opcodes that they are compiled into behind the scenes. A single kerboscript statement might become anywhere from one to ten or so instructions when compiled.
The Frozen Universe¶
Each physics tick, the kOS mod wakes up and runs through all the currently loaded CPU parts that are in “physics range” (i.e. 2.5 km), and executes a batch of instructions from your script code that’s on them. It is important to note that during the running of this batch of instructions, because no physics ticks are happening during it, none of the values that you might query from the KSP system will change. The clock time returned from the TIME variable will keep the same value throughout. The amount of fuel left will remain fixed throughout. The position and velocity of the vessel will remaining fixed throughout. It’s not until the next physics tick occurs that those values will change to new numbers. It’s typical that several lines of your kerboscript code will run during a single physics tick.
Effectively, as far as the simulated universe can tell, it’s as if your script runs several instructions in literally zero amount of time, and then pauses for a fraction of a second, and then runs more instructions in literally zero amount of time, then pauses for a fraction of a second, and so on, rather than running the program in a smoothed out continuous way.
This is a vital difference between how a kOS CPU behaves versus how a real world computer behaves. In a real world computer, you would know for certain that time will pass, even if it’s just a few picoseconds, between the execution of one statement and the next.