
structure PopupMenu

PopupMenu objects are created by calling BOX:ADDPOPUPMENU.

A PopupMenu is a special kind of button for choosing from a list of things. It looks like a button who’s face displays the currently selected thing. When a user clicks on the button, it pops up a list of displayed strings to choose from, and when one is selected the popup goes away and the new choice is displayed on the button.

The menu displays the string values in the OPTIONS property. If OPTIONS contains items that are not strings, then by default their TOSTRING suffixes will be used to display them as strings. You can change this default behaviour by setting the popupmenu’s OPTIONSUFFIX.


local popup is gui:addpopupmenu().

// Make the popup display the Body:NAME's instead of the Body:TOSTRING's:
set popup:OPTIONSUFFIX to "NAME".

list bodies in bodies.
for planet in bodies {
        if planet:hasbody and planet:body = Sun {
set popup:value to body.
Suffix Type Description
Every suffix of BUTTON
OPTIONS List List of options to display.
OPTIONSUFFIX string Name of the suffix used for display names. Default = TOSTRING.
ADDOPTION(value)   Add a value to the end of the list of options.
VALUE Any Returns the current selected value.
INDEX Scalar Returns the index of the current selected value.
CHANGED Boolean Has the user chosen something?
ONCHANGE KOSDelegate (String) Your function called whenever the CHANGED state changes.
CLEAR   Removes all options.
MAXVISIBLE Scalar (integer) How many choices to show at once in the list (if more exist, it makes it scrollable).
Type:List (of any Structure)

This is the list of options the user has to choose from. They don’t need to be Strings, but they must be capable of having a string extracted from them for display on the list, by use of the :attr”OPTIONSSUFFIX suffix.


This decides how you get strings from the list of items in OPTIONS. The usual way to use a PopupMenu would be to have it select from a list of strings. But you can use any other kind of object you want in the OPTIONS list, provided all of them share a common suffix name that builds a string from them. The default value for this is "TOSTRING:, which is a suffix that all things in kOS have. If you wish to use something other than Structure:TOSTRING, you can set this to that suffix’s string name.

This page begins with a good example of using this. See above.

  • value
    • any kind of kOS type, provided it has the suffix mentioned in OPTIONSSUFFIX on it.
Type value:




This appends another choice to the OPTIONS list.


Returns the value currently chosen from the list. If no selection has been made, it will return an empty String ("").

If you set it, you are choosing which item is selected from the list. If you set this to something that wasn’t in the list, the attempt to set it will be rejected and instead the choice will become de-selected.


Returns the number index into the OPTIONS list that goes with the current choice. If this is set to -1, that means nothing has been selected.

Setting this value causes the selected choice to change. Setting it to -1 will de-select the choice.


Has the choice been changed since the last time this was checked?

Note that reading this has a side effect. When you read this value, you cause it to become false if it had been true. (The system assumes that “last time this was checked” means “now” after you’ve read the value of this suffix.)

This is intended to be used with the polling technique of reading the widget. You can query this field until it says it’s true, at which point you know to go have a look at the current value to see what it is.


This is a KOSDelegate that expects one parameter, the new value, and returns nothing.

Sets a callback hook you want called when a new selection has been made. This is for use with the callback technique of reading the widget.

The function you specify must be designed to take one parameter, which is the new value (same as reading the VALUE suffix) of this widget, and return nothing.


set myPopupMenu:ONCHANGE to { parameter choice. print "You have selected: " + choice:TOSTRING. }.

Calling this causes the PopupMenu to wipe out all the contents of its OPTIONS list.


(Default value is 15).

This sets the largest number of choices (roughly) the layout system will be willing to grow the popup window to support before it resorts to using a scrollbar to show more choices, instead of letting the window get any bigger. This value is only a rough hint.

If this is set too large, it can become possible to make the popup menu so large it won’t fit on the screen, if you give it a lot of items in the options list.